Louis Roney: A change of men

Magical job numbers

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  • | 11:22 a.m. October 24, 2012
  • Winter Park - Maitland Observer
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“The natural cure for an ill-administration, in a popular or representative constitution, is a change of men.” —Alexander Hamilton

Well, he did it. I knew he would. I predicted it years ago — I even told b.w. he was going to do it. I’ll bet you knew it too. The job market numbers came out a few weeks ago. Surprise! Magically that nasty old number 8.1 percent has disappeared. It had to — no president has ever been reelected with unemployment rate of more than 8 percent. And it happened so close to the election — how convenient! What an amazing turn around, and the timing is a miracle! Isn’t it wonderful — Obama can now be legitimate! If you believe these numbers, I’ve still got that bridge to offer you.

Mrs. Clinton’s legacy

It appears that our auspicious secretary of state, Hillary Clinton, was frozen in a static state while four Americans, including an ambassador, were asking in vain for more security from the State Department prior to their eventual murders in Benghazi. We’ll probably never know just exactly what happened in this time, which was conveniently blacked out for Clinton’s/Obama’s machinations. Clinton had all the power of the State Department plus the ear of the president. Mrs. Clinton took full responsibility (three weeks later), but strangely did not first submit her resignation. As we know, Mrs. Clinton is an old hand at cover-ups. Hillary’s “legacy” is about to be defined. If not, we shall again have proof of her integrity and legacy as well. Meanwhile, she remains Obama’s fall-guy.

Pols are employees

At a political convention this summer, we heard the words, “government is the only thing we all belong to.” And crotchety old movie actor Clint Eastwood reminded us, “We own this country… politicians are employees of ours.” There are 23-plus million people still looking for work, and as of Jan. 1, the rest of us will be facing a $494 billion tax increase. The sooner our “elected employees” remember this, and all of us remember what our job is (to vote!), the sooner we may make and take a realistic direction toward liberty and freedom for future generations.

Biden out of control

“Rudeness is a weak man’s imitation of strength,” said long-shoreman/philosopher Eric Hoffer. Somehow this pertinent quote seemed to fit Joe Biden at the recent vice presidential debate. The smiling, grimacing, bulling and smirking by V.P. Biden was shockingly disgusting and most unprofessional. There is no question that Rep. Paul Ryan demonstrated self-control — being interrupted some 80-plus times in the 90-minute debate — where Biden showed no control of any kind. Mr. Biden’s aggressive job to save Prexy Obama’s dismal performance a week earlier was neither credible nor factual. When does energetic blustering overcome intelligence? Can “in-your-face” insults eradicate $16 trillion debts? Why do the Democrats think they gain by making presidential debates into “gotcha” Letterman shows?

We need know-how

“No people will tamely surrender their liberties, nor can they be easily subdued, when knowledge is diffused and virtue is preserved. On the contrary, when people are universally ignorant, and debauched in their manners, they will sink under their own weight without the aid of foreign invaders.” — Samuel Adams.

Newsmax headline: “Deficit tops $1 Trillion for the 4th Straight Year Under Obama.” What more needs to be said? We’re drowning in debt that you, your children, grandchildren and their children will forever be paying. Obama is borrowing and wasting our money and our futures as he leads all of us into poverty. Doesn’t a businessman with financial know-how at the helm seem essential at this time?


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