A dream opens shudders

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  • | 11:56 a.m. March 25, 2010
  • Winter Park - Maitland Observer
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— factual fiction —

Life scares me to death! I tremble in the face of clairvoyance that surpasses understanding.

I have had premonitions that are coming true with startling significance.

I guess you'll think I need a shrink when I tell you about this terrifying dream that shook me to the core.

You see, I dreamed that life in America was being controlled from above by a mighty unseen hand — and it wasn't the hand of God!

This all-powerful hand was leading our American public persona inexorably to the left, although our people had always been moderate politically.

I dreamed that we had somehow put a leftist in the White House — a guy who had never exhibited much enthusiasm for us, or our country. Moreover, this guy had had next to no political experience, and had never run anything, not even a newsstand. He had only a clever lust for power.

With him as Leader, we were in a perilous situation.

In my dream, Americans did not notice the rug being pulled from under their feet.

The Leader saw America as a prize to be taken, booty to be snitched.

He got his results by using everything from manipulation to violent arm-twisting. His shifty morality ruled out productive negotiation.

It was scary the way he seemed to ignore right and wrong.

The Constitution was not a document in his moral library.

How did the American people, always conscious of its own morality, live on the same planet with this miscreant?

Before this narcissist was elected, he had gone abroad and spit on our national image wherever he went.

His cure for his mad spending sprees was to charge 10 times more on our bill. The U.S. public was being hoodwinked into insurmountable debt. Some savants warned us that the Leader's Soros-concocted plans would flatten us financially. Our precarious position was on all our minds. Our debts were in a financial stratosphere defying any known tape measure.

Patriotism had become a dirty word.

As high school kids in football, we loved saluting the flag before the games.

In the war, the flag on our ship reminded us of those we were protecting by killing the enemy.

When it was all over, I, a two-stripe lieutenant, knelt down and kissed the ground when I disembarked in San Diego.

In my dreams, American individualism was replaced by an ideological system we had historically abhorred.

Did my dream accurately identify subversive powers aimed at tearing our country apart?

Who would gain the most from the destruction of U.S. capitalism?

Of course, Marxism inspires foreign powers — even domestic "lefties" — to dream of overtaking the U.S. any way they can.

Could a corrupt leftist federal government take over our private enterprise from within?

In my "bad dream," we had elected a Leader who was of Marxist background, beliefs and education to pilot the greatest democracy in the world.

In a perilous recession, hadn't our Leader then spent more taxpayers' dollars than all previous U.S. presidents combined? Wasn't our Treasury secretary giving short shrift to banks that needed help? Did we citizens really know where our money was going? Did we know where our country was going?

In my dream, our Leader's unprecedented transfer of taxpayers' money into various unidentifiable governmental areas was accomplished in an atmosphere of urgency, and lightning-fast sleight-of-hand that rapidly swelled our government and its debt beyond recognition.

A $787-billion Stimulus Bill crafted by Congress was passed in a rush without anyone having had time to read it!

During his campaign our Leader forswore "earmarks." However, his ensuing hotly-contested $410-billion "Omnibus" bill, signed by him in private, contained thousands of earmarks — thus our Leader confirmed himself to be the "liar" that his reputation had presaged.

The transference of private industry and wealth into government hands was an act of unmitigated Marxism.

Where were the promised five-day online displays of unpassed bills, and the transparency of all bills' intricate contents?

This "nightmare" of mine took place at a uniquely vulnerable time in our history, when both our House and Senate were dominated by Democrats and the government had but one public voice.

The Democrats were buying votes using every available political currency and trick.

In my "nightmare," I saw the ways being employed to "level" our mighty American democracy to a third-rate nation. I pulled out a dollar and was surprised that Washington's picture was not replaced by Karl Marx.

To round out these lamentable facts, my dream foretold:

  1. The debauching of the American monetary system, destroying the stability of the dollar, and the integrity of our various security exchanges,

  2. Further outsourcing of American industry and means of production,

  3. Further dumbing-down of American education by engaging left-wing teachers at all levels,

  4. Further cooperation with Hollywood left-wingers who produce America-low-rating films,

  5. Further leftists' takeover of all available American media outlets to promulgate every socialist-leaning political cause and candidate,

  6. Further loss of traditional self-sufficiency, responsibility, accountability, civility and patriotism in American daily life,

  7. Further opening of American borders to illegal immigration,

  8. The Democrats' overt push to create votes in all elections by granting citizenship to illegal aliens,

  9. Further Congressional promotion of Union ballot secrecy,

  10. Further inexorable erosion of our revered U.S. Constitution,

  11. Continued debauching of American culture, morality, and the English language.

My "nightmare" ended with the U.S. a dumbed-down, "socialist-led society" ripe for inclusion in a North American Union alongside Mexico and Canada, all soon to be swallowed up in a Global Union of low-rate, faceless socialist states. Those days, the quality of leadership had become a paramount factor.

Lots of the things we had been doing up to that time now seemed to fall into place at Dream's End.

I wake suddenly, wet with sweat. I shower, and get dressed. I walk outside into a beautiful, free America.

I ask myself, "How long will our country remain a place for the pursuit of universal freedom and happiness?"

The answer is nowhere in sight …


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