Oakland Briefs 07.17.14

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  • | 10:11 a.m. July 17, 2014
Meritage proposes 305-home project in Oakland
Meritage proposes 305-home project in Oakland
  • West Orange Times & Observer
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+ Sign up for youth basketball camp

The town of Oakland is offering a free A.C. Summer Youth Basketball Camp from 8 a.m. to noon July 26. It takes place at the park at 523 Hull Ave. and is for children 7-17 years of age.

Among the coaches will be former NBA players Pat Burke and Greg Kite, who will teach position basketball skills and life skills. The camp includes free food, music and activities.

The deadline to register is this Friday, July 18. For more information or to RSVP, email [email protected] or call 407-656-1117, Ext. 14.

+ Heritage festival needs planners

Even though the Oakland Heritage Festival is still three months away, the Oakland Nature Preserve and the town of Oakland are starting to make plans now for the annual event. Barbara Gugliotti, ONP’s new managing director, said she is looking for community involvement and hopes residents will volunteer to help in the areas of sponsorship, educational exhibits and presentations, the silent auction and entertainment.

Anyone wanting to help organize the popular event can contact Gugliotti at (407) 905-0054 or [email protected].

+ Scouts can volunteer at ONP

The Oakland Nature Preserve is on the lookout for volunteer Girl Scouts and Boy Scouts. The preserve welcomes boys working toward their Eagle Scout badge and girls working on their Bronze, Silver and Gold awards.

Many opportunities exist for completing a project that would benefit the community and ONP visitors. Those interested can contact ONP at (407) 905-0054.

+ Town of Oakland meeting schedule

Town of Oakland meetings are held in the meeting hall on North Tubb Street:

Town Commission, 7 p.m., second and fourth Tuesdays.

Planning & Zoning Board, 6:30 p.m., third Tuesday.

School Advisory Council for Oakland Avenue Charter School, 7 p.m., first Tuesday.

Community Redevelopment, 7 p.m., third Wednesday.

Parks and Recreation Committee, 7 p.m., fourth Wednesday.

For more information, call Town Hall at (407) 656-1117.


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