2012 takes the stage

People who think that an attractive woman can steal a man from his wife are kidding themselves.

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  • | 11:53 a.m. January 11, 2012
  • Winter Park - Maitland Observer
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T.S. Eliot opined that the world will end, “not with a bang but a whimper.” Here at the dawn of a New Year, my trusty — now untrustworthy — Mac computer has refused to work. My Mac called it quits after all these years, and I spent New Years day relying upon computer whiz Kristine DeNunzio to slap some sense into it. I’m the kind of guy who adores gadgets when they work, and abominates them when they lie down on the job as they all eventually do. In my life, I have graduated gadget-wise from a tricycle to a computer, and have gotten furious with every fallible item along the way. At this moment I am able to write my column and even print it out — however I cannot send it anywhere, particularly to the Observer where it is supposed to be printed.

Netscape says “No.” Who can override such a higher power?

(Later… Thanks to Kristine, I’m up and running again.)

Worry rail

The catastrophic thorny way of the proposed high-speed California railway should cause unrest in Central Florida where a similar proposal is soon to be implemented. Doesn’t it seem that such projects are often obsolete before they are ever completed? And, most importantly, aren’t these projects usually over cost?

Pricey vacay

Obama’s Christmas vacation in Hawaii cost the American people about $4 million. Of course, Mrs. Obama’s vacation costs are not included and will be formidable.

Squashing disaster

The present danger of Iran takes my mind back to the days when everyone was making a lot of noise about the danger of Adolf Hitler. Yet no one did anything about Hitler — and no one would have done anything, except for one lone Englishman of perception and courage, namely Winston Churchill, who, I think, saved the whole of the Western World from the Nazis.

Lost vs. stolen

People who think that an attractive woman can steal a man from his wife are kidding themselves. If that happens, the marriage was already in trouble. The wife may use the excuse that her husband was “stolen” from her. If such a thing were possible, there would be few lasting marriages anywhere.

Music of the year

The New Year’s TV broadcast of the Vienna Philharmonic featured, as usual, the music of the Johann Strauss family played as one might hope to hear it once in a lifetime. This program is always a highlight of our New Year’s celebration.


Exceptionalism is a proud American quality reached through education, character and labor — and seldom by simply beating the odds.

Breaking the cycle

“Now that 2011 is behind us and 2012 has arrived, we have much for which to be thankful, but also much work to do. Liberty is under assault from many directions and our mission is to stand on the frontlines against that assault. The New Year will bring one of the most important elections in our lifetimes — one that will decide the course of our great nation. Either we will continue down the road to tyranny, or we could break the Fatal Cycle of Democracy. Truth be told, it will take several election cycles of electing constitutional conservatives to high office in order to undo the damage and the ‘fundamental transformation of America’ wrought by Barack Obama and his cadre of socialists.” —The Patriot Post, Jan. 2

Are you resigned to Obama’s promised “transformation,” which subverts the U.S. Constitution that he swore to uphold and defend?

About Roney:

Harvard’42—Distinguished Prof, Em.—UCF

2004 Fla. Alliance for the Arts award

(Assisted by beautiful wife Joy Roney)


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