BOO! Yes, it IS October!

BOO! Yes, it IS October!

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  • | 5:56 p.m. October 1, 2012
  • Winter Park - Maitland Observer
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BOO! It’s ALREADY October!

Snuck up on you, didn’t it? Yeah, me, too. In fact, I’m having some difficulty believing. BUT, maybe that’s just the uptick in temperature and humidity today. Overall . . . . I’m excited about this whoe change of season thing. Bring it on!

Of course, that also means in Florida-land that there’s so much more to do, so much more going on to keep track of, to enjoy. And that part sounds like FUN.

Today on . . . . a GREAT deal. Legacy Fitness on Orange Avenue is offering NEW clients the opportunity for 10 days of great fitness training for ONLY $10! I LUV the approach, the idea, the sense of the approach from both a business and consumer perspective. You get a GREAT deal if YOU show commitment, desire to take advantage of the opportunity.

This is an AWESOME deal at a conveniently located business offering a great range of intense fitness regimens to choose from. Ten days of activity at a $1 a day . . . an opportunity to prove to yourself YOU can do it! In communicating with Erica Eberly, one of the owners, she shared that they have a range of ages in the facility, so this can work for you, basically no matter who you are, or your present condition. You just need the commitment!

With fall, of course, school is back in session! This past Friday I had info about the Winter Park High School guys’ basketball team and efforts to raise money for a trip to a tournament over Christmas break this year. I’ll have other opportunities in that regard in coming weeks, so keep an eye out.

But today, I’m also extending an invitation on behalf of the school to join the Winter Park High School Sound of the Wildcats at their Fall Band Concert, Thursday, October 11, at 7 p.m. at WPHS, Anne Derflinger Auditorium. Located at 2100 Summerfield Road, the event has a bargain price of $5, and features guest artists: Brass Band of Central Florida! Like the school athletes, these guys practice and work hard for these events, to support the school. Come join them next Thursday and invite your friends and neighbors!

On a VERY different subject, this past Saturday night we attended the grand opening at Taps from Scratch in Audubon Park. I wasn’t aware – or, more likely, simply OVERlooked – but this was also the night of Audubon Park’s Zombiefest. That only added to the fun. David Brunson, Taps from Scratch owner and creator, was busy giving tours galore the while we were there, but I was happy he enjoyed the write-up from last week. In addition to the beer – my favorite was actually a Brunson original, Kool-Aid Red – I also had some yummy fries from the 5Gastronomy food truck in the back parking lot.

We walked around some and oh, did that Zombie bride in the wedding dress make me wish I had remembered to have a camera with me. It was a fun night, and just one more event which is making this awesome area of Winter Park / Orlando stand out in a wonderfully positive and creative way.

Tomorrow, friends and neighbors, is Tuesday! So, you know what that means . . . . Totally Local Tuesday! It’s the day when we – okay, I – hope Local residents will commit to staying Local, involving Local in everything you do, no matter what that is. Think Local doesn’t offer an option?! Au contraire! I’m going to say 99.9% of the time it does! YES, Local has it, does it, makes it and can wrap it up for you. On Tuesday, especially, give Local an extra chance to meet your needs, provide what you are looking for and I promise you over time, by doing so, you will only notice a more vibrant, interesting and diverse community to enjoy. Tomorrow’s Tuesday . . . Totally LOCAL Tuesday!

We’re to the part of the blog now which can put tears in my eyes. If you’re a dog LUVer, perhaps you can relate. There are so many sad, sad stories out there now, animals put into life and death situations after doing nothing more than LUVing their families, being there for them. If you are an animal LUVers, as I, consider where you might help, seek out opportunities to do so. Facebook and surely the internet make this so much easier now. Because my life partner and I have three Boxers who we adore, Florida

Boxer Rescue is a natural for us. But there are so many organizations needing help, funds. Florida Boxer Rescue, as all, always in need of donations, but for them, heartworm preventatives are especially in need. If you would like to make a donation towards their rescue please visit and click the donate button. They just took in a mother and daughter and there is a high chance these sweet girls are heartworm positive which will cost their rescue upwards of a thousand dollars, but that won't stop them from saving them. The only thing holding them back right now we are completely full of dogs and have no space to take any in! Thank you everyone for your support, you all have been so generous..


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