- February 6, 2025
AUG. 7
FIVE OF 10 = 90%
16000 block of West Colonial Drive. Drunken driving. At 4:03 a.m., an officer stopped a car swerving between lanes and onto a median. The driver fumbled her wallet under the glove compartment, from which she pulled her registration. The officer asked for her license, but she said she could not find it. Despite strong odors of alcohol and slurred speech, she denied drinking. Dispatch informed the officer the driver’s license was suspended. The officer returned and found her crying, saying, “Please don’t take me to jail.” The officer asked why he would; she confessed to having a suspended license. She exited per request, dropping money on the ground without collecting it. She admitted having three beers and said she was at “about 90%” when asked. She said she had stopped drinking more than three hours earlier and rated herself at five on a 10 scale, with zero being sober. While under arrest, her breath registered a .190 blood alcohol content at 5:39 a.m.
400 block of North Jefferson Street. Burglary. At 11:30 p.m., an officer reported to a residence regarding a burglary. The victims had returned from dinner and found a broken bathroom window via a rock, with the dogs locked in a bedroom. Items were scattered. Two televisions, an iPhone, two laptops and chargers, two phone chargers, two jars of change and a 12-gauge shotgun were missing, altogether worth about $5,225. The laptops and televisions were in the bushes of a neighbor, who said he had heard the window break but had seen nothing.
Ocoee Fire
The Ocoee Fire Department (stations 25, 26, 38 and 39) reported 81 calls for assistance from Aug. 6 to 12:
Fires: 1
EMS: 51
Vehicle accidents: 3
Hazardous materials/conditions: 3
Public service: 15
False alarms: 8
Ocoee Police
The Ocoee Police Department reported 372 calls for service from July 30 to Aug. 5:
Arrests (adult): 17
Arrests (juvenile): 6
Assault/battery: 6
Burglary (residential and business): 2
Burglary (vehicle): 5
Child abuse: 2
Drug violations: 5
DUI: 1
Sexual battery: 1
Thefts: 9
Vehicle accidents: 18
Vehicle thefts: 1
Windermere Police
The Windermere Police Department reported 116 calls for assistance from Aug. 10 to 16.
Winter Garden Fire
The Winter Garden Fire Department (stations 22, 23 and 24) reported 94 calls for assistance from Aug. 2 to 8:
Fires: 1
EMS: 69
Vehicle accidents: 4
Automatic fire alarms: 8
Public assistance: 1
Hazardous conditions: 5
Calls for service: 6
Winter Garden Police
The Winter Garden Police Department reported 519 calls for service from July 30 to Aug. 5:
Arrests (adult): 32
Arrests (juvenile): 0
Assault/battery: 7
Burglary (residential and business): 4
Criminal mischief: 3
Drug violations: 10
DUI: 2
Thefts: 8
Vehicle accidents: 15
Vehicle thefts: 1
Missing/runaway adult: 1
Missing/runaway juvenile: 2