- February 14, 2025
WINTER GARDEN – Boy Scout Troop 210 may have to brainstorm a way to do future camping trips if a generator stolen from its bus is not returned soon.
The generator, which had been hooked to the back of the bus and was used to power the A/C system, was taken sometime in the weeks following Hurricane Irma.
The bus is usually parked on North Dillard Street across from Dr. Cappleman’s office.
Lucie Blake, a grandmother of one the scouts in Troop 210, heard about the incident during one the troop’s weekly Monday night meetings at the First United Methodist Church in Winter Garden.
“What happened was that apparently some years ago, they had to rig up a generator to run the air conditioners, because I guess their system wasn’t working anymore,” Blake said. “But when I heard about it, my mouth dropped. I’m sure whoever took it needed one, but you know what? The hurricane’s over, so they can bring it back now.”
Although old and a little rough around the edges, the bus, which was donated, has allowed the troop to go on camping trips every summer. The troop now has no way of powering the A/C in the bus, even though it is currently planning its next trip to Boone, North Carolina. Blake hopes whoever took the generator could return it before then because the alternative solution would be rather expensive for the troop.
“It’s not going to be a cheap fix,” she said. “I mean, you can’t go to Lowe’s and pick one up for $600 — it’s not that kind of a generator. They were talking several thousand dollars. So we really need this thing back.”