- February 10, 2025
Jackson Mosbach, 12, started the fall ball season at Winter Garden Little League with a bang — Mosbach hit his first-ever home run in the fall season’s opening game for his Yankees. The community at Winter Garden Little League is now on notice to keep an eye out for this talented switch-hitter.
As soon as it came off my bat, I already knew it was going to be a home run, I could feel it. Then, as soon as it went over the fence, I started smiling — I was excited.
I’ve been playing almost all my life. I started playing baseball because of my brothers — I wanted to be like my older brother (Bryant Mosbach), who’s a good catcher.
Catching, because I want to be like my older brother, Bryant. He’s such a good catcher. He’s an inspiration for me.
My favorite team is the New York Yankees and my favorite player is Derek Jeter. My family is a Yankees family.
The best tip would have to be, “Don’t swing for home runs — just swing to hit the ball.”
Math. I like math because it’s a little bit hard and easy.
Probably Spanish, because it’s learning a new language. It’s pretty cool.
Probably to serve in the Army. I want to join the Army, because I’d like to represent my country.
I’d probably watch a movie with my family, my sister and my older brother, I’d ask them what they want to watch.
“Cars.” That’s my favorite movie.