This week in West Orange County history: Feb. 10, 2022

Who were the movers and shakers in West Orange County's past?

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85 years ago

Mayor George Walker announced that work was to begin again on the construction of the auditorium at Trailer city. He said the completion of the new City Hall would not be reached until March 1.

The Winter Garden Welfare League held its monthly meeting at the home of the president, Mrs. C.W. Irrgang Jr. Plans were completed for the Valentine Dance to be given at the West Orange Country Club with Buddy Rogers and his Rhythm Club furnishing the music.

Miss Clara Wendell was hostess to the American Childhood Education Club at her home in Gotha.


80 years ago

Florida was allotted a quota of 1,813 new passenger automobiles for rationing in March, April and May to eligible buyers. This was the third highest number allotted to any state in the southeast.


70 years ago

Plans were made for the start of a Little League Baseball unit. Temporary officers were Dr. Otho Watford, president; Flip Sterns, vice president; and Bob Ken, secretary-treasurer.

Mrs. Milton Deariso entertained for her little daughter, Bea, on her 7th birthday.


45 years ago

Beverly Johnson, a student at West Orange High School, was selected as a judge for the Walt Disney World Community Service Awards program.

Lakeview Junior High School was the setting for a festive Valentine Dance. Chris Orie, escorted by Timmy Carter, was crowned queen of the dance. Principal Otto Dickman was the star dancer for the evening.

Randy Freeman, a 1973 graduate of Ocoee High School, was named the Top Debater in Florida for 1977. He won first place in varsity speaking at the Florida Intercollegiate Forensics Tournament in Gainesville.


40 years ago

Members of the Lakeview Junior High School Valentine Court were the following girls: Kim Craven, Julianne Morris, Julie Purdy, Lisa Reagan, Debbie Baird, Robin Barber, Ramona Brown and Heather Hawes.


20 years ago

Ashley Keating, Kelsey Tressler, Kate Stewart and Jenna Cross, all of Winter Garden, competed in a schooling horse show at Affinity Farms in Eustis. Kelsey and Jenna showed their horse, Blended Perfection, in the beginners level, winning three first-place ribbons and a third place. Kate showed Too Cute for You in the beginners level and won a first and several other ribbons. Ashley showed her horse, Admiral Jones, in a Green Horse level, winning three firsts, a second and two fourth places.

Confetti cannons and a dramatic painting of Cinderella Castle added to the festive atmosphere at First Presbyterian Church of Oakland as its new Christian Life Center was dedicated.



FEB. 10, 1972

To celebrate the day of love, “The Winter Garden Times” printed in its Feb. 10, 1972, issue the images of several postcards reportedly found in an attic that were dated 1910. This edition also included advertisements from jewelry stores and card shops offering promise rings and other sentiments of love.



Worshipers stand in front of Tildenville Missionary Baptist Church, on Massey Street, in the traditionally black neighborhood of south Tildenville. The present church building replaced this structure, shown in the 1950s. Amanda Booker operated the church’s childcare center on the property for many years; it no longer stands. The church also administers Oakland’s African American Cemetery.

The Winter Garden Heritage Foundation documents and preserves both images and the history of the region’s black citizens. Call (407) 656-3244 to share your heritage with the collection.



Amy Quesinberry

Community Editor Amy Quesinberry was born at the old West Orange Memorial Hospital and raised in Winter Garden. Aside from earning her journalism degree from the University of Georgia, she hasn’t strayed too far from her hometown and her three-mile bubble. She grew up reading The Winter Garden Times and knew in the eighth grade she wanted to write for her community newspaper. She has been part of the writing and editing team since 1990.

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