- February 16, 2025
Bloom & Grow Garden Society member Van Donnan drags a tree to its new home.
Ron Yazinski with wife and society member Jeanne Yazinski.
Brenda Knowles, Bloom & Grow Garden Society president, adds water to a freshly planted tree.
Citrus Elementary School in Ocoee was the final school to participate in the project.
Student Council Co-Sponsor Zainab Sukhu and Student Class President Sajid Baksh were some of the first participants.
Students at OCPS schools shoveled dirt, placed fertilizer tablets and helped with "tree diapers" as part of the project.
Principal of Citrus Elementary, Robert Walker, got down to business with members Ron Yazinski and Steve Sprier.
Ocoee Middle School Resource Officer Rabie Allifite helped fifth grade graduating students shovel dirt.
Citrus Elementary Principal Robert Walker and Ocoee Middle School Resource Officer Rabie Allifite with one of the Pink Trumpet trees.
The Bloom & Grow Garden Society is continuing its mission of stimulating a knowledge and love of gardening through community projects.
The society's latest project, Plant it Pink, aims to cover the city of Winter Garden with the blooms of the Pink Trumpet tree come early spring.
The Pink Trumpet, also known as Handroanthus impetiginosus or Pink Tabebuia, is resplendent with pink trumpet shaped flowers that cover the ground when they fall. The tree, native to Mexico and South America, forms a vase shape and grows up to 30 feet tall.
As part of the project, Bloom & Grow has partnered with Orange County Public Schools to plant 15 Pink Trumpet trees in 12 West Orange County schools. The trees pay tribute to the graduating classes.
Schools currently participating in Trees for Schools include Bridgewater Middle, Citrus Elementary, Dillard Street Elementary, Foundation Academy, Horizon High, Lakeview Middle, Lake Whitney Elementary, Maxey Elementary, Tildenville Elementary, Water Spring Elementary, Whispering Oak Elementary and Windermere High.
The most recent and last school in the 12, Citrus Elementary in Ocoee, gathered its principal, teachers and fifth grade graduating students on Wednesday, May 25, for a morning spent planting and learning about the trees with the help of the society.
Bloom & Grow donated the tree, fertilizer tablets to nourish the tree for two years and a “tree diaper” to help with water retention and mulch. The designated planting team worked with the students to plant the tree in a special ceremony designed by the school.
In addition, the society presented each student with a unique card that offers congratulations, delivers information about the tree and also showcases an inspirational message, “Advice from a Tree."
The school and the tree will be entered into Plants Map, a national database that provides information and answers questions about plants, with a story written by the students and photos of the school, the students, and their tree. A tree label will be placed at the tree with a QR code that brings up the information and photos.
The Bloom & Grow Garden Society plans to plant the ceremonial Pink Trumpet trees in significant locations around Winter Garden.
The first tree will be planted for the city of Winter Garden, a partner of the society for the past 25 years. The second tree will be planted at the Duke Energy Headquarters, a sponsor of the society, in Winter Garden. The third group of trees will be planted at local health care facilities in October 2022 in honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month.
As an additional tribute to Breast Cancer Awareness Month, Bloom & Grow plans to offer 250 3-gallon Pink Trumpet trees to Winter Garden residents free of charge.