Moser recently earned a certificate and a medal after being recognized as Student of the Month for July.

Ava Moser
Ava Moser
Photo by Andrea Mujica
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American Dragon Martial Arts karate student Ava Moser recently earned a certificate and a medal after being recognized as Student of the Month for July. Moser also dabbles in musical theater at the Tap Into Theater Academy in Ocoee. 

How do you feel about being named Student of the Month in July?
It was like a coincidence, because it’s my birthday month. So, I was just like “How did I get this on my birthday month?” 

Talk to us about your years as a karate student.
My brother (Franklin) did karate at a different school, and then we moved to this one. But I didn’t do karate in the other one because they were really hard on him. So, I started getting jealous of him because I thought it was so much fun, and I was like “I’m going to try it.” 

Earliest memory participating in karate?
The games are really fun, and I like the moves, too. 

What do you love most about karate as a sport? 
I like that I (practice) with my brother. I like punching people and kicking people. … My mom always tells me that if someone throws a punch first then I’m allowed (to defend myself). 

What’s your favorite move? 
I like front kicks and side kicks. I think it’s easier than roundhouse kicks because I don’t really have to pivot that much. A side kick is only pivoting a little. 

What do you believe karate has taught you on and off the mat? 
The teachers are really nice, so it teaches me to be nice to people. Also, on the mat, it does teach me to defend myself and if I was in a situation with a stranger and they were to hurt me, then I’d know what to do. 

What belt are you? 
I am a white belt with three stripes, one red stripe and one blue stripe. I am about to be a yellow belt. I’ve been a white belt for three months, I think. 

What’s your favorite hobby?
I love to sing and to act. It’s my favorite thing ever outside of karate because I’ve been singing my whole life. 

What are three things you would take with you to a deserted island? 
One of my stuffed animals, my blanket “B” — she’s been with me since I was a baby — and probably my dog, Walty. 

What’s your favorite movie? 
I do like the “High School Musical” movies, they are really good, and I do like Harry Potter; it’s one of my favorites ever. “Harry Potter” has so much adventure and stuff, and you never know what’s going to happen. With “High School Musical,” I love all the characters — they all go to school and do different things. And I love romance movies. 

What TV series are you watching right now? 
“Hannah Montana.” 

What’s your favorite type of music? 
Christian music, Christian rap; I also like stand-up comedy songs — like Broadway show tunes. 

Who’s you favorite superhero? Why? 
I’m not into Marvel, but I do like Groot; he’s really cute and he’s funny.  

Who’s your favorite Disney character? Why? 
I like Lily in “Hannah Montana.” I love the classic three from “Hannah Montana”: Oliver, Lily and Miley. 

If you could have a superpower, what would it be and why? 
Probably to make flowers because they can dodge you, too; you could turn someone into a flower pot or something like that. 

What are three places you’d like to visit? Why? 
Paris, I want to see the Eiffel Tower so bad. London because it just looks like so much fun. Tokyo because I love Hello Kitty and Kawaii stuff — it’s one of my favorite things.

If you could go back in time to a specific period of history, which one would it be and why? 
Probably would go to the time “Little House on the Prairie” was being made. I love that show. 

What color would you say represents your personality? Why?
Probably yellow, because I’m always happy and smiley. 

If you could be an animal for a day, which one would you be and why? 
An elephant — because of its long trunk. I’d like to see how that works. Or a giraffe, because I am afraid of heights but I do like to be up high; it’s really cool. So that’s why I’d love to be a giraffe — and the long tongues. 



Andrea Mujica

Staff writer Andrea Mujica covers sports, news and features. She holds both a bachelor's degree in journalism and an MBA from the University of Central Florida. When she’s not on the sidelines, you can find Andrea coaching rowers at the Orlando Area Rowing Society in Windermere.

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