- February 6, 2025
Ellie Moore and Julian and Oliver Whitehouse prepared to fill their bags with candy.
Gina and Alexus Pitt decorated their trunk with a “Harry Potter” theme.
Kelly Kampenga went all out with her trunk and costume themed after “Super Mario.”
Sisters Birdie, Josie and Leena Harris were simply too cute in their Disney princess costumes.
Larry Spelman was accompanied at the event by two large dinosaur friends.
Addison, Ashley and Gavin Smith won an award for best overall decorated trunk at the event.
This group of Hamlin Husky friends and family went all out with their “Beetlejuice” costumes.
Josh and Sawyer Kennedy waited in line for one of the inflatables.
Anita Li helped guide her brother Evan Li around the school in his blow-up dragon costume.
Teachers Bridget Battaglia, Jordan Fincham and Kirsten Entinger helped to hand out candy at the event.
Friends Maya Borek and Alisa Kononova matched in their Princess Jasmine costumes.
Every member of this Hamlin Elementary School family dressed in full costume.
Hamlin Elementary School hosted its annual Trunk-or-Treat event, led by the school’s Parent Teacher Organization, Oct. 18.
Hamlin Huskies enjoyed costume contests, games, a live deejay, airbrush tattoos, food trucks, inflatables and more at the Halloween event.
In addition, the event included a decorated trunk contest with free trick-or-treating.