- February 12, 2025
Meghan Papke is known as the Queen of Green at Sunset Park Elementary. She is a dedicated PTO member and chair of the Campus Clean Up and School Beautification Committee, and she devotes her time to cleaning up trash, weed control and maintaining the landscaping.
She has organized several campus clean-up days — one in August and another coming up Nov. 2 — and has two more planned for February and Earth Day in April.
What brought you to your school?
Our family is zoned for Sunset Park Elementary School. Our eldest child began attending SPES in kindergarten, and our youngest has now joined him there.
What do you love most about your school?
I truly appreciate the strong sense of community and family that Sunset Park Elementary offers for both my children and me.
What is the most rewarding part of your position with PTO?
Uniting students and their families to create a positive impact on our school. The visual improvements from our Campus Cleanup Projects enhance the school’s aesthetics, but more importantly, they foster a sense of pride among families.
Who influences you?
I’m inspired by those who embody strong, positive character traits. They motivate me to become the best version of myself.
Who was your favorite teacher when you were in school? Why?
One of my favorite teachers was Mr. Fink from my senior year government class. At the time, he was a state senator in Iowa, balancing his teaching in the fall semester with his duties in the Senate during the spring. He made the class engaging and brought a fascinating perspective from his career into our lessons.
What is your favorite children’s book and why?
Currently, my favorite children's book is “The Caboose Who Got Loose,” written and illustrated by Bill Peet. I appreciate the story's cadence, theme and the charming illustrations. Although I didn't read this book as a child, my husband did, and it has become a classic in our family's collection.
What do you like to do in your spare time?
As a non-native Floridian, I love exploring new experiences with my family in Central Florida. When I’m not with my husband and children, I enjoy volunteering at my children's school, gardening and pursuing my passion for organizing.
If you could dine with any famous person, past or present, who would it be and why?
Taylor Swift — need I say more? While I’m not a huge Swiftie, I enjoy her music and find her career and business strategies fascinating.
If you could have any superpower, what would it be and why?
Honestly, I wouldn’t want a superpower. The ability to read minds or fly doesn’t appeal to me.
If you could only listen to three bands or artists, who would they be and why?
NEEDTOBREATHE is my all-time favorite band! I’ve been a fan since 2009 and have loved attending numerous concerts, even getting to meet them before a show. Another artist I could listen to on repeat are composer and conductor John Williams — his powerful music brings back so much nostalgia for classic films. Rounding out the mix is Gaelic Storm; my husband and I have enjoyed their music together and have seen them perform yearly at small venues during their tours.
What was your go-to lunch and favorite snack as an elementary student?
Growing up in the ’90s, I have fond memories of classic school lunches, especially the rectangular pizza slice. I’d always start by eating the cheese off first, then the crust. As for snacks, nothing beats Fruit Roll-Ups paired with a refreshing glass of Kool-Aid.
What is your favorite holiday and why?
It’s a tie between Thanksgiving and Christmas for me! My husband and I share these holidays with our parents and siblings, which makes them even more special. Thanksgiving is spent with my mom, stepdad and brothers’ family, where we enjoy the same beloved side dishes I’ve cherished since childhood. Christmas, on the other hand, is a magical time with my in-laws, who go all out with seven beautifully decorated trees and a house filled with Christmas decor. We immerse ourselves in board games, puzzles, and cherished traditions like attending church on Christmas Eve, enjoying a candlelight chili dinner, going around the dinner table and reflecting on what we’re grateful for that year, watching “The Santa Clause,” and reading “The Night Before Christmas.” It truly captures the spirit of the season!
Who was your best friend when you were in school and why? Are you still in touch?
My best friend growing up was Emily. We both moved to the same town at the start of sixth grade; by then, I had already experienced a few moves due to my dad’s job transfers. For Emily, this was her first big move and new school, so I quickly became her friend. We were inseparable until high school graduation. After that, we attended different colleges, and as life took us in different directions, we gradually grew apart.
What were your extracurricular activities as a student? Did you win any accolades or honors?
I was in Girl Scouts from kindergarten through sixth grade, and I remained very active in high school. Growing up in a small town meant everyone could participate, with no cuts for sports, theater or music programs. I was involved in color guard; ran cross country; and played club, indoor and high school soccer. I also served on the Student Council, worked on the yearbook and, in my senior year, I had the honor of being class president and was crowned Homecoming queen. It was a whirlwind of experiences that shaped my youth.