- February 10, 2025
Eva Latorre Drew is the PTO president of Atwater Bay Elementary School. She leads a team to plan and host a variety of fundraisers and extracurricular events to promote a fun, inclusive learning environment and support the school staff and administration.
“She took on the enormous task of starting up a PTO for a new school and has done a phenomenal job with it,” said Principal Matt Hendricks.
What brought you to your school?
I am the mother of two boys, one of whom is a fourth-grader at Atwater Bay.
What do you love most about your school?
Atwater Bay is a welcoming and fun place. It is such a supportive environment that focuses on the kids, and there’s such positive energy throughout the building.
What is the most rewarding part of your job?
My team has the privilege of working on fun events and programs to supplement the learning environment. When we drop off prizes to classrooms or set up an event, nothing beats seeing the joy on the kids’ faces. That said, it’s an amazing feeling to say ‘yes’ to a teacher who needs additional resources for a class or program. Either way, we know we are helping to strengthen the foundation of this community by supporting a love of learning for our children.
What would you be if you weren’t in this profession?
In addition to this role, I am the owner of a family-run plumbing business and help to run a boutique wealth management firm, so I have my hands full! I am fortunate to have the support of my family and a wonderful community to balance it all. As a child, I always wanted to be a teacher — elementary education was actually my first major in college — so having this taste of contributing to the school is incredibly rewarding and part of a dream fulfilled.
Who influences you?
My family is definitely my strongest influence. My mother was always incredibly involved in our schooling and volunteering in the community. She also (still) does not know how to slow down, so I must get a lot from her! My parents have always been my heroes, and I look up to my mother in so many ways. Additionally, the other parents in this community, including my incredibly talented sister, help inspire me to try new things and bring some of my off-the-wall ideas to fruition. My husband, John, keeps me grounded and on track when I start to overcommit — I mean,3eee at least he tries! Finally, my brother inspires me to stay a kid at heart and keep things light-hearted.
Who was your favorite teacher when you were in school? Why?
I had many influential teachers, but my favorite must be Mr. Golden, my eighth-grade ELA teacher. He introduced me to literature and Broadway plays, and I am forever grateful he took the time to really connect with us and not just teach.
What is your favorite children’s book and why?
As a mom of two boys, I think I’ll be able to recite “Little Blue Truck” by heart forever.
What do you like to do in your spare time?
I love crafting and baking if I can spare any time in my day. We recently set up a craft room in our house, and it is my favorite spot.
If you could dine with any famous person, past or present, who would it be and why?
This is always a hard question, but it would be fascinating to sit with Queen Elizabeth I. It would be fascinating to hear her perspective of the world during the Golden Age.
If you could have any superpower, what would it be and why?
The power to heal. Wouldn’t it be amazing to take away someone’s pain and struggle with a single touch?
If you could only listen to three bands or artists, who would they be and why?
Jack Johnson, Imagine Dragons and Bad Bunny. I love the soulful and peaceful vibe of Jack Johnson, and he reminds me of when my husband and I met. Imagine Dragons was the first concert we took the kids to see, and it was amazing. Bad Bunny always makes me want to dance and is also just a lot of fun.
What was your go-to lunch and favorite snack as an elementary student?
Handi-snacks! For some reason, I was obsessed with these. Some things don’t change as I love a good charcuterie board now.
What is your favorite holiday and why?
Christmas, to me, is the most magical time of year. As a Christian, it’s meaningful to me, and I love to see the joy on my children’s face as they take it all in. Also, I really love finding that perfect gift and wrapping it just right. Celebrating took some getting used to after we moved from New York City, but we’ve embraced new Florida traditions over the years.
Who was your best friend when you were in school and why? Are you still in touch?
I had a few close friends come and go over the years, but my closest confidants have always been my sister and brother. I still talk to good friends from high school but not regularly as our lives have taken different paths.
What were your extracurricular activities as a student? Did you win any accolades or honors?
I was a gymnast and a cheerleader for some time and also in the school band. As a student, I was academically focused and was fortunate to attend a specialized high school in NYC, Stuyvesant High School.
How long have you been at your school and with OCPS?
I’ve been involved in school PTOs since my oldest son was in kindergarten in 2017. I’m proud to have the opportunity to help get Atwater Bay Elementary’s PTO off the ground this year in the school’s inaugural year.